"""urfkill mock template
This creates the expected methods and properties of the main
urfkill object, but no devices. You can specify any property
such as urfkill in "parameters".
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html for the full text
# of the license.
__author__ = "Jussi Pakkanen"
__copyright__ = """
(C) 2015 Canonical ltd
(c) 2017 - 2022 Martin Pitt <martin@piware.de>
import dbus
import dbusmock
BUS_NAME = "org.freedesktop.URfkill"
MAIN_OBJ = "/org/freedesktop/URfkill"
MAIN_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.URfkill"
individual_objects = ["BLUETOOTH", "FM", "GPS", "NFC", "UWB", "WIMAX", "WLAN", "WWAN"]
type2objectname = {
1: "WLAN",
3: "UWB",
4: "WIMAX",
5: "WWAN",
6: "GPS",
7: "FM",
def toggle_flight_mode(self, new_block_state):
new_block_state = bool(new_block_state)
if self.flight_mode == new_block_state:
return True
self.flight_mode = new_block_state
for i in individual_objects:
old_value = self.internal_states[i]
if old_value == 1:
continue # It was already blocked so we don't need to do anything
path = "/org/freedesktop/URfkill/" + i
obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
if new_block_state:
obj.Set("org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch", "state", 1)
obj.EmitSignal("org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch", "StateChanged", "", [])
obj.Set("org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch", "state", 0)
obj.EmitSignal("org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch", "StateChanged", "", [])
self.EmitSignal(MAIN_IFACE, "FlightModeChanged", "b", [self.flight_mode])
return True
def block(self, index, should_block):
should_block = bool(should_block)
if index not in type2objectname:
return False
objname = type2objectname[index]
new_block_state = 1 if should_block else 0
if self.internal_states[objname] != new_block_state:
path = "/org/freedesktop/URfkill/" + objname
obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
self.internal_states[objname] = new_block_state
obj.Set("org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch", "state", new_block_state)
obj.EmitSignal("org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch", "StateChanged", "", [])
return True
def load(mock, parameters):
mock.toggle_flight_mode = toggle_flight_mode
mock.block = block
mock.flight_mode = False
mock.internal_states = {}
for oname in individual_objects:
mock.internal_states[oname] = KS_UNBLOCKED
# First we create the main urfkill object.
("IsFlightMode", "", "b", "ret = self.flight_mode"),
("FlightMode", "b", "b", "ret = self.toggle_flight_mode(self, args[0])"),
("Block", "ub", "b", "ret = self.block(self, args[0], args[1])"),
"DaemonVersion": parameters.get("DaemonVersion", "0.6.0"),
"KeyControl": parameters.get("KeyControl", True),
for i in individual_objects:
path = "/org/freedesktop/URfkill/" + i
mock.AddObject(path, "org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch", {"state": mock.internal_states[i]}, [])