Source code for dbusmock.templates.ofono

"""ofonod D-Bus mock template"""

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.  See for the full text
# of the license.

[docs] __author__ = "Martin Pitt"
import dbus import dbusmock
[docs] BUS_NAME = "org.ofono"
[docs] MAIN_OBJ = "/"
[docs] MAIN_IFACE = "org.ofono.Manager"
[docs] SYSTEM_BUS = True
[docs] NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 'raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException("not implemented", name="org.ofono.Error.NotImplemented")'
# interface org.ofono.Manager { # methods: # GetModems(out a(oa{sv}) modems); # signals: # ModemAdded(o path, # a{sv} properties); # ModemRemoved(o path); # }; _parameters = {}
[docs] def load(mock, parameters): global _parameters # pylint: disable=global-statement mock.modems = [] # object paths mock.modem_serial_counter = 0 mock.imsi_counter = 0 mock.iccid_counter = 0 _parameters = parameters mock.AddMethod( MAIN_IFACE, "GetModems", "", "a(oa{sv})", 'ret = [(m, objects[m].GetAll("org.ofono.Modem")) for m in self.modems]', ) if not parameters.get("no_modem", False): mock.AddModem(parameters.get("ModemName", "ril_0"), {})
# interface org.ofono.Modem { # methods: # GetProperties(out a{sv} properties); # SetProperty(in s property, # in v value); # signals: # PropertyChanged(s name, # v value); # }; @dbus.service.method(dbusmock.MOCK_IFACE, in_signature="sa{sv}", out_signature="s")
[docs] def AddModem(self, name, _properties): """Convenience method to add a modem You have to specify a device name which must be a valid part of an object path, e. g. "mock_ac". For future extensions you can specify a "properties" array, but no extra properties are supported for now. Returns the new object path. """ path = "/" + name self.AddObject( path, "org.ofono.Modem", { "Online": dbus.Boolean(True), "Powered": dbus.Boolean(True), "Lockdown": dbus.Boolean(False), "Emergency": dbus.Boolean(False), "Manufacturer": dbus.String("Fakesys"), "Model": dbus.String("Mock Modem"), "Revision": dbus.String("0815.42"), "Serial": dbus.String(new_modem_serial(self)), "Type": dbus.String("hardware"), "Interfaces": [ "org.ofono.CallVolume", "org.ofono.VoiceCallManager", "org.ofono.NetworkRegistration", "org.ofono.SimManager", # 'org.ofono.MessageManager', "org.ofono.ConnectionManager", # 'org.ofono.NetworkTime' ], # 'Features': ['sms', 'net', 'gprs', 'sim'] "Features": ["gprs", "net"], }, [ ("GetProperties", "", "a{sv}", 'ret = self.GetAll("org.ofono.Modem")'), ( "SetProperty", "sv", "", 'self.Set("org.ofono.Modem", args[0], args[1]); ' 'self.EmitSignal("org.ofono.Modem", "PropertyChanged",' ' "sv", [args[0], args[1]])', ), ], ) obj = dbusmock.mockobject.objects[path] = name add_voice_call_api(obj) add_netreg_api(obj) add_simmanager_api(self, obj) add_connectionmanager_api(obj) self.modems.append(path) props = obj.GetAll("org.ofono.Modem", dbus_interface=dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE) self.EmitSignal(MAIN_IFACE, "ModemAdded", "oa{sv}", [path, props]) return path
# Generate a new modem serial number so each modem we add gets a unique one. # Use a counter so that the result is predictable for tests.
[docs] def new_modem_serial(mock): serial = f"12345678-1234-1234-1234-{mock.modem_serial_counter:012d}" mock.modem_serial_counter += 1 return serial
# Generate a new unique IMSI (start with USA/AT&T 310/150 to match the MCC/MNC SIM properties) # Use a counter so that the result is predictable for tests.
[docs] def new_imsi(mock): imsi = f"310150{mock.imsi_counter:09d}" mock.imsi_counter += 1 return imsi
# Generate a new unique ICCID # Use a counter so that the result is predictable for tests.
[docs] def new_iccid(mock): iccid = f"893581234{mock.iccid_counter:012d}" mock.iccid_counter += 1 return iccid
# interface org.ofono.VoiceCallManager { # methods: # GetProperties(out a{sv} properties); # Dial(in s number, # in s hide_callerid, # out o path); # Transfer(); # SwapCalls(); # ReleaseAndAnswer(); # ReleaseAndSwap(); # HoldAndAnswer(); # HangupAll(); # PrivateChat(in o call, # out ao calls); # CreateMultiparty(out o calls); # HangupMultiparty(); # SendTones(in s SendTones); # GetCalls(out a(oa{sv}) calls_with_properties); # signals: # Forwarded(s type); # BarringActive(s type); # PropertyChanged(s name, # v value); # CallAdded(o path, # a{sv} properties); # CallRemoved(o path); # };
[docs] def add_voice_call_api(mock): """Add org.ofono.VoiceCallManager API to a mock""" # also add an emergency number which is not a real one, in case one runs a # test case against a production ofono :-) mock.AddProperty("org.ofono.VoiceCallManager", "EmergencyNumbers", ["911", "13373"]) mock.calls = [] # object paths mock.AddMethods( "org.ofono.VoiceCallManager", [ ("GetProperties", "", "a{sv}", 'ret = self.GetAll("org.ofono.VoiceCallManager")'), ("Transfer", "", "", ""), ("SwapCalls", "", "", ""), ("ReleaseAndAnswer", "", "", ""), ("ReleaseAndSwap", "", "", ""), ("HoldAndAnswer", "", "", ""), ("SendTones", "s", "", ""), ("PrivateChat", "o", "ao", NOT_IMPLEMENTED), ("CreateMultiparty", "", "o", NOT_IMPLEMENTED), ("HangupMultiparty", "", "", NOT_IMPLEMENTED), ( "GetCalls", "", "a(oa{sv})", 'ret = [(c, objects[c].GetAll("org.ofono.VoiceCall")) for c in self.calls]', ), ], )
@dbus.service.method("org.ofono.VoiceCallManager", in_signature="ss", out_signature="s")
[docs] def Dial(self, number, _hide_callerid): # pylint: disable=protected-access # _object_path path = f"{self._object_path}/voicecall{(len(self.calls) + 1):02}" self.AddObject( path, "org.ofono.VoiceCall", { "State": dbus.String("dialing"), "LineIdentification": dbus.String(number), "Name": dbus.String(""), "Multiparty": dbus.Boolean(False), "RemoteHeld": dbus.Boolean(False), "RemoteMultiparty": dbus.Boolean(False), "Emergency": dbus.Boolean(False), }, [ ("GetProperties", "", "a{sv}", 'ret = self.GetAll("org.ofono.VoiceCall")'), ("Deflect", "s", "", NOT_IMPLEMENTED), ( "Hangup", "", "", "self.parent.calls.remove(self._object_path);" "self.parent.RemoveObject(self._object_path);" 'self.EmitSignal("org.ofono.VoiceCallManager", "CallRemoved", "o", [self._object_path])', ), ("Answer", "", "", NOT_IMPLEMENTED), ], ) obj = dbusmock.mockobject.objects[path] obj.parent = self self.calls.append(path) self.EmitSignal("org.ofono.VoiceCallManager", "CallAdded", "oa{sv}", [path, obj.GetProperties()]) return path
@dbus.service.method("org.ofono.VoiceCallManager", in_signature="", out_signature="")
[docs] def HangupAll(self): print("XXX HangupAll", self.calls) for c in list(self.calls): # needs a copy dbusmock.mockobject.objects[c].Hangup() assert self.calls == []
# interface org.ofono.NetworkRegistration { # methods: # GetProperties(out a{sv} properties); # SetProperty(in s property, # in v value); # Register(); # GetOperators(out a(oa{sv}) operators_with_properties); # Scan(out a(oa{sv}) operators_with_properties); # signals: # PropertyChanged(s name, # v value); # }; # # for /<modem>/operator/<CountryCode><NetworkCode>: # interface org.ofono.NetworkOperator { # methods: # GetProperties(out a{sv} properties); # Register(); # signals: # PropertyChanged(s name, # v value); # properties: # };
[docs] def get_all_operators(mock): return f'ret = [(m, objects[m].GetAll("org.ofono.NetworkOperator")) for m in objects if "{}/operator/" in m]'
[docs] def add_netreg_api(mock): """Add org.ofono.NetworkRegistration API to a mock""" # also add an emergency number which is not a real one, in case one runs a # test case against a production ofono :-) mock.AddProperties( "org.ofono.NetworkRegistration", { "Mode": "auto", "Status": "registered", "LocationAreaCode": _parameters.get("LocationAreaCode", 987), "CellId": _parameters.get("CellId", 10203), "MobileCountryCode": _parameters.get("MobileCountryCode", "777"), "MobileNetworkCode": _parameters.get("MobileNetworkCode", "11"), "Technology": _parameters.get("Technology", "gsm"), "Name": _parameters.get("Name", ""), "Strength": _parameters.get("Strength", dbus.Byte(80)), "BaseStation": _parameters.get("BaseStation", ""), }, ) mock.AddObject( f"/{}/operator/op1", "org.ofono.NetworkOperator", { "Name": _parameters.get("Name", ""), "Status": "current", "MobileCountryCode": _parameters.get("MobileCountryCode", "777"), "MobileNetworkCode": _parameters.get("MobileNetworkCode", "11"), "Technologies": [_parameters.get("Technology", "gsm")], }, [ ("GetProperties", "", "a{sv}", 'ret = self.GetAll("org.ofono.NetworkOperator")'), ("Register", "", "", ""), ], ) mock.AddMethods( "org.ofono.NetworkRegistration", [ ("GetProperties", "", "a{sv}", 'ret = self.GetAll("org.ofono.NetworkRegistration")'), ( "SetProperty", "sv", "", 'self.Set("org.ofono.NetworkRegistration", args[0], args[1]); ' 'self.EmitSignal("org.ofono.NetworkRegistration", "PropertyChanged", "sv", [args[0], args[1]])', ), ("Register", "", "", ""), ("GetOperators", "", "a(oa{sv})", get_all_operators(mock)), ("Scan", "", "a(oa{sv})", get_all_operators(mock)), ], )
# interface org.ofono.SimManager { # methods: # GetProperties(out a{sv} properties); # SetProperty(in s property, # in v value); # ChangePin(in s type, # in s oldpin, # in s newpin); # EnterPin(in s type, # in s pin); # ResetPin(in s type, # in s puk, # in s newpin); # LockPin(in s type, # in s pin); # UnlockPin(in s type, # in s pin); # GetIcon(in y id, # out ay icon); # signals: # PropertyChanged(s name, # v value); # };
[docs] def add_simmanager_api(self, mock): """Add org.ofono.SimManager API to a mock""" iface = "org.ofono.SimManager" mock.AddProperties( iface, { "BarredDialing": _parameters.get("BarredDialing", False), "CardIdentifier": _parameters.get("CardIdentifier", new_iccid(self)), "FixedDialing": _parameters.get("FixedDialing", False), "LockedPins": _parameters.get("LockedPins", dbus.Array([], signature="s")), "MobileCountryCode": _parameters.get("MobileCountryCode", "310"), "MobileNetworkCode": _parameters.get("MobileNetworkCode", "150"), "PreferredLanguages": _parameters.get("PreferredLanguages", ["en"]), "Present": _parameters.get("Present", dbus.Boolean(True)), "Retries": _parameters.get("Retries", dbus.Dictionary([["pin", dbus.Byte(3)], ["puk", dbus.Byte(10)]])), "PinRequired": _parameters.get("PinRequired", "none"), "SubscriberNumbers": _parameters.get("SubscriberNumbers", ["123456789", "234567890"]), "SubscriberIdentity": _parameters.get("SubscriberIdentity", new_imsi(self)), }, ) mock.AddMethods( iface, [ ("GetProperties", "", "a{sv}", f'ret = self.GetAll("{iface}")'), ( "SetProperty", "sv", "", f'self.Set("{iface}", args[0], args[1]); ' f'self.EmitSignal("{iface}", "PropertyChanged", "sv", [args[0], args[1]])', ), ("ChangePin", "sss", "", ""), ( "EnterPin", "ss", "", 'correctPin = "1234"\n' f'iface = "{iface}"\n' 'newRetries = self.Get(iface, "Retries")\n' 'if args[0] == "pin" and args[1] != correctPin:\n' ' newRetries["pin"] = dbus.Byte(newRetries["pin"] - 1)\n' 'elif args[0] == "pin":\n' ' newRetries["pin"] = dbus.Byte(3)\n' 'self.Set(iface, "Retries", newRetries)\n' 'self.EmitSignal(iface, "PropertyChanged", "sv", ["Retries", newRetries])\n' 'if args[0] == "pin" and args[1] != correctPin:\n' " class Failed(dbus.exceptions.DBusException):\n" ' _dbus_error_name = "org.ofono.Error.Failed"\n' ' raise Failed("Operation failed")', ), ( "ResetPin", "sss", "", 'correctPuk = "12345678"\n' f'iface = "{iface}"\n' 'newRetries = self.Get(iface, "Retries")\n' 'if args[0] == "puk" and args[1] != correctPuk:\n' ' newRetries["puk"] = dbus.Byte(newRetries["puk"] - 1)\n' 'elif args[0] == "puk":\n' ' newRetries["pin"] = dbus.Byte(3)\n' ' newRetries["puk"] = dbus.Byte(10)\n' 'self.Set(iface, "Retries", newRetries)\n' 'self.EmitSignal(iface, "PropertyChanged", "sv", ["Retries", newRetries])\n' 'if args[0] == "puk" and args[1] != correctPuk:\n' " class Failed(dbus.exceptions.DBusException):\n" ' _dbus_error_name = "org.ofono.Error.Failed"\n' ' raise Failed("Operation failed")', ), ("LockPin", "ss", "", ""), ("UnlockPin", "ss", "", ""), ], )
# interface org.ofono.ConnectionManager { # methods: # GetProperties(out a{sv} properties); # SetProperty(in s property, # in v value); # AddContext(in s type, # out o path); # RemoveContext(in o path); # DeactivateAll(); # GetContexts(out a(oa{sv}) contexts_with_properties); # signals: # PropertyChanged(s name, # v value); # ContextAdded(o path, # v properties); # ContextRemoved(o path); # };
[docs] def add_connectionmanager_api(mock): """Add org.ofono.ConnectionManager API to a mock""" iface = "org.ofono.ConnectionManager" mock.AddProperties( iface, { "Attached": _parameters.get("Attached", True), "Bearer": _parameters.get("Bearer", "gprs"), "RoamingAllowed": _parameters.get("RoamingAllowed", False), "Powered": _parameters.get("ConnectionPowered", True), }, ) mock.AddMethods( iface, [ ("GetProperties", "", "a{sv}", f'ret = self.GetAll("{iface}")'), ( "SetProperty", "sv", "", f'self.Set("{iface}", args[0], args[1]); ' f'self.EmitSignal("{iface}", "PropertyChanged", "sv", [args[0], args[1]])', ), ("AddContext", "s", "o", 'ret = "/"'), ("RemoveContext", "o", "", ""), ("DeactivateAll", "", "", ""), ("GetContexts", "", "a(oa{sv})", "ret = dbus.Array([])"), ], )
# unimplemented Modem object interfaces: # # interface org.ofono.NetworkTime { # methods: # GetNetworkTime(out a{sv} time); # signals: # NetworkTimeChanged(a{sv} time); # properties: # }; # interface org.ofono.MessageManager { # methods: # GetProperties(out a{sv} properties); # SetProperty(in s property, # in v value); # SendMessage(in s to, # in s text, # out o path); # GetMessages(out a(oa{sv}) messages); # signals: # PropertyChanged(s name, # v value); # IncomingMessage(s message, # a{sv} info); # ImmediateMessage(s message, # a{sv} info); # MessageAdded(o path, # a{sv} properties); # MessageRemoved(o path); # }; # interface org.ofono.CallVolume { # methods: # GetProperties(out a{sv} properties); # SetProperty(in s property, # in v value); # signals: # PropertyChanged(s property, # v value); # };